At AECL Health, Safety and Environment is of paramount importance. Our Health, Safety and Environment Management System adheres to Trinidad and Tobago's Occupational Safefy and Health Act 2004 (as amended).
As part of Coninuous Improvement programs, AECL has implemented a Safe Systems of Work program hinged to our BBS program to encourage positive or negative feedback.
As part of our Environmental Program, AECL is governed by a robust Environmental Policy which clearly identifies the procedures required to ensure proper Waste and Pollution Management protection throughout the Company's operation.
AECL managements also play an integreal part in ensuring full compliance with our HSE Management system through frequent leadership walkdowns, participation during tool box talks, providing adequate budget for training and development and, promoting an ethical work environment.
Our Commitment to creating, fostering and maintaining an excellent Safety Culture has been palpable throughout the organization and reflected on our HSE statistics.
AECL has proudly completed its Safe TO Work (STOW) assessment and obtained our first Two (2) years' certification in August 2014. Subsequently, through our continued hard work and dedication, we were awarded a further four (4) years re-certification in 2016, 2019, 2021 and 2023.